Some people think being a stay-at-home mom means I sit around and eat bon-bons all day. This is not true. Sometimes I eat cookies instead.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Um, no, I'm not pregnant. I had my baby 5 months ago.

So, I'm meeting my mom and my sister A for pedicures the other night. I'm super psyched because I haven't had a pedicure since I was about 6 months pregnant and OMG my feet were needing one desperately. I'm pretty sure my heels could have been used to carve rocks.

I dropped Sir off with my dad, and we head on out to enjoy some nice relaxing pampering. I'm sitting in the nice massaging chair, minding my own business, chatting with Mom & A, and the lady doing my pedicure looks at me out of the blue and says "Are you pregnant?" ...

Um, NO. But thanks. Thanks for noticing that I still look like I'm carrying Sir's unborn twin. I'm super glad that the past 3 months of dieting and walking 5 miles a day has paid off. At least my legs look good from all that walking, right?

No. Two minutes after Asian lady stuck the first foot in her mouth, she opens even wider and says "You have a lot of bruises on your legs." Great. While not nearly as insulting as your first comment, I appreciate you noticing the fact that it looks like I have some weird blood disorder because I'm the clumsiest person on the planet.

Enjoy my feet, lady.


  1. What an ass. You should go home, run around in some dirt, then mayo & shredded cheese so it gets all under your toenails and then go back to that same woman and say "have at it bitch" :)

  2. HA! Sorry don't mean to laugh but your post made me giggle. Some people are just clueless I swear. I bet you look great...and now your feet are pretty too.
