Some people think being a stay-at-home mom means I sit around and eat bon-bons all day. This is not true. Sometimes I eat cookies instead.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stop, you're making me blush...

So I was at the dentist the other day, getting a filling replaced and having X-Rays done. My dentist irritates me for one simple reason - they are very chatty. Dentists should not be chatty. Their main job involves having their hands in your mouth. How are you supposed to respond??

Regardless, my dentists (and assistants and hygienists) all think that it's totally normal to try to carry on a conversation with you. This makes most appointments twice as long as they need to be. And it causes some very awkward moments when they say weird things to fill the silence.

I was told that I am the best X-Ray patient ever. I don't know why. Because I can hold still? I do not understand how someone can mess up having teeth X-Rays done. But the fact that I can contort my mouth and jaw and hold them in the same uncomfortable position for a set period of time can't be a BAD thing, right? (wink wink, nudge nudge)

I was also told that I have lots of saliva, which isn't a bad thing because it protects my teeth. This I have no control over, but at least now I know where Sir gets it from.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I totally have the glees.

So, if you know me you may have gathered by now that I am not the hugest fan of my MIL. She's irritating, passive aggressive, and weirdly obsessed with my husband (her son). She blames me for taking him away from her. Seriously.

I remember the first Thanksgiving after our wedding, we were with MIL, her sister, and her sister's husband. They were asking the generic questions to me about my family. I believe they asked about my brother, and I responded with something about how he was still living with my parents at the time. MIL proceeded to say (in a BABY TALK voice) "I wish Mr. Ryan would move back in with me!" (And yes, she really does/did call him "Mr. Ryan." She tried to call me "Miss Kerri" a few times, and I told her to can it.)

Ryan, to his credit, got all uncomfortable and said, "Mom, I'm MARRIED." She gave him a blank stare. I don't think she understood where he was going with that. But then, this is the woman that has poster-sized photographs of Ryan hanging up in her bedroom.

But anyway, back to my glees. Now, we hadn't really spent much time with MIL lately. She had babysat for a few hours a few weeks ago, but otherwise I hadn't had to see her since Christmas. Yay! But I grudgingly agreed that she could come over the other day for a little while to visit and see Sir.

She shows up, Sir takes one look at her, and bursts into tears. He is WAILING. He wouldn't let me put him down. If I did, he would start crying and follow me around. She couldn't TOUCH him. So she starts making the excuses. "He must be tired." Me: "Actually, he just woke up from his nap and ate lunch. He was in a great mood all morning." MIL: "Well, he's just shy. Babies are shy." Me: "James would leave me for the barista at Starbucks if I looked away for a minute." Which is true, Sir loves strangers. He thinks they are awesome.

MIL harrumphed, and then after about 20 minutes of her pouting and making snarky passive aggressive comments, when it became glaringly obvious that Sir had no intention of going anywhere near her, she left.

Totally have the glees. And I MAY have picked Sir up and whispered "Good job!" in his ear as she was leaving.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I figured everyone could use an updated picture of Sir. Please to enjoy.

Must be nice on that pedestal...

Sanctimommies. They're everywhere. Just when you think you're safe, they pop up and make you feel like shit for trying to do the best thing for your child.

Sir had his 15 month check-up today. He got his MMR and chickenpox vaccines - he was such a trooper! I was hoping they'd tucker him out and he'd have an extra long nap, but no go. At least they didn't make him that cranky.

Anyway, he's clocking in at 31 inches and 20 lbs even. He's a string bean! This was the first appointment where his doctor started to express some concern about his weight. He dropped percentiles slightly, from the 10th to the 5th (thereabouts, I don't really pay that much attention. I look at the pretty curve to make sure he's staying steady.). We discussed his feeding issues.

And that's the thing. His issue is just that he doesn't eat much. I wouldn't call him "picky," exactly. To me, picky is when your child won't eat anything orange, or wet, or only eats mac and cheese with peas, not broccoli. Sir will try pretty much everything. The problem is that he only takes one or two bites before he's done. Sure, there are a few things that I can usually count on for him to eat more of, but they're not exactly balanced, and it's not like he ever even eats tons of those foods.

So, the AAP recommends 40 calories per inch of height for toddlers. That would put Sir at around 1240 calories per day. I find this mildly ridiculous, but whatev. The point is, on a "good" day, I still don't think Sir ever makes it above 900. So, I decided to ask around for ways to sneak Sir extra calories.

I belong to a birth board on a well-known online community, and I asked about putting heavy cream into his milk (not entirely replacing, but supplementing a little). I got several responses from people saying they had heard of it, and offering other suggestions. Then came the Sanctimommies.

You know, the mommies who are apparently so perfect that their children poop gold nuggets, and slept through the night at 2 days, and walked at 4 months, were speaking full sentences at 6, and their lives are SO PERFECT that they work a full day, come home and cook dinner in heels and then proceed to give their husband a BJ every night without so much as smudging their lipstick.

So I get the speeches about how sneaking calories in doesn't teach children healthy eating habits, and I must be doing something wrong if there's no underlying medical issue for Sir not eating a lot of food (to which I say "COME ON! He's not even 3 feet tall! How big can his stomach possibly be?"). And I have decided I hate the "It all evens out" argument. Maybe for some it does, but not for Sir. It's not evening out. He eats like a bird. And while he's perfectly healthy and happy now, I'd like to head this off at the pass before the day comes when he's NOT healthy.

I was getting the "trust your child to do what's right for them" lecture. And I thought to myself, when did that become the thing to do? When did we, as parents, as the supposedly more mature and responsible individuals, decide to hand the power over to our children? Isn't my job as a mother to decide and do what is best for Sir? He's 15 months old. He would chew on his dirty diaper if I let him. I hardly think I can trust him to realize what a healthy, well-balanced, nutritious diet is. I can do my best to provide him with balanced and healthy options, and make sure food is offered at appropriate intervals. But if he is choosing not to eat enough to sustain his growing body, does it not then become my duty to do whatever it takes to do it for him?