It's totally awesome, like baby TV. He is entranced by it. I just wish it played longer than 3 minutes.
After the world's quickest shower we went to Wickham Park with my friend J and her son L, who is 2. He had a blast at the playground and the aviary, which I remember from when I was a kid! Sir was unable to fully appreciate the playground. Funny thing - Sir got hungry, so I got out my nursing cover (because he is easily distracted these days) and I was feeding him. This 4 year old boy sees me from across the playground and comes barreling over and shouts "what do you think you're doing??" and before I had a chance to respond his mom came over and grabbed him. Looking at it from a 4 year old's perspective, I don't know what he thought I was doing, what with my baby's legs hanging out from under a blanket and all.
So this evening I went out with R and G and J for margaritas in honor of Cinco de Mayo. We figured we'd try Besito, a delicious Mexican restaurant. I told R it would be packed - and sure enough, it was. She was all "but it's Wednesday night!" and I was all "um, it's Cinco de Mayo... and it's a Mexican place" and she was shocked. It's okay, we went to an Italian place first and got margaritas there. Pretty tasty.
I've heard people call that soother thing "baby crack machine". I guess its just that good...