It is a glorious thing. And to think it all started back when I was newly pregnant and received a coupon from Stop & Shop for $3 off a Carvel cake. I thought "How nice of them!" and called R and asked her if she'd like to have ice cream for dinner. She was also either still pregnant with her daughter L or had just had her. (don't worry, when it was just the two of us we split a smaller cake)
Well. Let me tell you. That was possibly the most brilliant idea I've ever had in my life. And I'm no slouch in the brains department. We quickly decided it should become a regular event. Every week struck us as a little overboard, and probably detrimental to any weight loss/management we might be aiming for. Every other week it was. And Wednesdays just because the first ice cream cake event happened to be on a Wednesday.
So there it is. The legend that is ICCW. We've probably singlehandedly helped Carvel with their profit margin in the Northeast. And you would think that this might make us sick of ice cream cake? Not a chance. I love it just as much every time I eat it.
Mmmm...chocolate crunchies...