Okay, so there have been quite a few sightings of bears in my yard in the past few weeks, including one by yours truly. I was standing in my dining room and happened to glance out the bay window, and HOLY CRAP it was RIGHT THERE!!!! lumbering across our front yard and driveway. It was frakkin' HUGE.
Then my neighbor flags me down a week or so later and tells me she saw another one in our yard that afternoon (except it was a "little" bear. which means "big" bear is close behind). This is the neighbor that just moved in a few months ago with two cats and is now down to one. They also moved in with 3 children. I'm keeping track of those guys too.
I'm afraid to go outside. Even to get my mail. I have no idea what to do in case of bear interaction. Luckily for me, Google auto-complete is there to help me out:

does not seem all that helpful. Step 1 - avoid the bear if at all possible. Difficult if I am in my own front yard. Step 2 - Keep your distance. See Step 1. Step 3 - Stand tall. Apparently I am to communicate that I am human? And call the bear's bluff if it charges me? Fat chance if I'm holding Sir. Step 4 - Know your bear. This step goes on to differentiate the 3 different type of bears but tells me nothing on how my bear will act. Helpful. Step 5 - Understand the bear's motivation. This is where I stopped.

I really think someday I'm going to go out to the backyard to grill dinner and come across this...
and not know what to do. Offer it a steak?